Healthcare Research Conclusion


By adopting the best practices of other developed countries, the US can both control the rising cost of healthcare and provide a basic safety net of health insurance for those who cannot afford it on their own. 

Summary basis of Conclusion 

The US is the only major industrialized nation that does not provide a basic safety net of healthcare for its people. Today, nearly 35 million Americans cannot afford access to healthcare. Despite this, the US spends considerably more on healthcare than other countries such as France, Germany, Canada, Japan, and the UK. In aggregate, we have a woefully inferior system that results in catastrophic consequences. This system can be modernized based on the examples of other countries that provide better results at a lower cost. 

Countries that Set an Example 

Germany, France, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, the UK, Taiwan, and Sweden. All of these countries have adopted some form of government-provided healthcare resulting in universal coverage, better outcomes, and lower costs. We will examine three of them in greater detail below.