Social Welfare Research Conclusion

The US can afford to address the absolute level of poverty and hunger in the US and provide a basic safety net for the most needy.

Summary Basis of our Belief   

The level of poverty in the US in combination with the growing gap between the rich and the poor threatens our way of life. We must make the investments necessary to break the cycle of poverty not only because it is right, but also because it is essential to a functioning democracy. Many federal programs today benefit not only the truly needy but also the relatively wealthy. Some of these take the form of tax expenditures, such as the mortgage deduction and employer based tax-deductible health and savings benefits, while others are direct payment programs, such as Social Security, Medicare, and farm subsidies. By reallocating a portion of these benefits, programs can be created to end the scourge of poverty in our country and sustain our democratic institutions.

Countries that set an Example  

Most European countries and Japan provide examples that the US can learn from. Most of them have smaller gaps between the rich and poor, a larger middle class, and stronger safety nets for the truly needy. Detailed examples can be found in the Social Welfare Research.