Immigration Research Conclusion

We believe that we can have a rational, enforceable, generous immigration policy.

Summary basis of our Conclusion

We are a nation of immigrants. For over 250 years, people from across the globe have risked everything to come to the US in search of religious and political freedom and economic opportunity. Despite the recent political rhetoric, immigrants have contributed immensely to the social and economic wealth of our country. They have joined our military and fought for our country, often without being citizens. As one of the world’s wealthiest nations, we can afford to uphold the articles outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and accept as our duty a reasonable number of those less fortunate who strive for a better life in America.

Countries that set an example

In 2016, the US received 1,118,000 permanent migrants, more than any other country in the world. Relative to the population of the US, however, this is .35%, less than the amount received by the other eight leading destination countries. Germany and Sweden, for example, accepted migrants at the rate of 1.3% of their population, while Canada, Australia, and the Netherlands all received more than .8% of their populations.